Procedure Process

Aesthetic Facial Body Plastic Surgery Procedure Process Page | Seattle | Bellevue:
Thanks for spending the time to get to know us! This page was created to help you get a feel of what the whole process is from the moment you call or write us to the point where you will be one of our lifelong patients. First, during your first phone call we will introduce you to the practice. There are many links and pieces of information that can really be a great resource for you.For your consultation
We really want to make this the best experience for you. To help expedite this process, you can fill out the patient consultation form here: Aesthetic Facial Body Plastic Surgery Consultation Form. Also before your consultation, we will have you sign this form for your information and permission to treat you: General, Photo | Video, HIPAA Consent. During your consultation, you will meet with our patient care coordinator. They will give you a different perspective on the procedures that you are interested in. They will give you more of an introduction and get the process started. Some times there may be questions that you would rather ask them instead of the doctor. The patient care coordinator will then convey some of your thoughts to the doctor before they come in to carry out a more detailed assessment. After this, you will then meet the doctor. During this appointment an initial history and physical will be conducted to assess your health and your candidacy to be a patient here at Aesthetic Facial Body Plastic Surgery. After your physician assessment, your patient care coordinator will then find out what will be done from the physician and will then discuss pricing with you.Pre Procedure Appt:
After you have decided on the procedures you are going to get done, we will then schedule a date for your procedure. Two weeks prior to this appointment we will schedule your pre procedure appointment to go into more depth your health and decide if your health is okay to tolerate the procedure. During the consultation, you will then have a chance to read through all of your consents and sign them. This process will be repeated on the day of your procedure. You can read some of these consents by following this link: AFB Plastic Surgery Patient Care Packages.It is also at this appointment that we will request medical risk assessments to have your primary care doctor clear you for your procedure. Full payment is done at this appointment as well.. At this two week appointment we strongly want you to start avoiding blood thinners, smoking, drug use, and heavy alcohol use for 2 weeks before and after your procedure. Click here to read about your preoperative reminders.In terms of your health, You should be relatively healthy. The American Society of Anesthesiologists have a classification system that goes from 1-5. 1. Healthy person. 2. Mild systemic disease. 3. Severe systemic disease. 4. Severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to life. 5. A moribund person who is not expected to survive without the operation. A declared brain-dead person whose organs are being removed for donor purposes. You should be Class 1-3. Again, we will assess your health more fully during your preoperative appointment.Day of your procedure:
Most of what was done during your pre procedure appointment will be repeated on this day for your safety and for double checking purposes. We will go over your procedures again with you in more detail. We will finalize what procedures will be done and we will try to understand your thoughts and desires as much as possible so that we can be an advocate for you during your procedure while you are asleep. On this day, you will see the nurse and most likely either your anesthesiologist or certified nurse anesthetist as well as some ancillary staff that will be there to ensure your safety. We will go over your history and physical, your weight, consents, your procedures, pregnancy test, discussion of your possible catheter, the type of anesthesia, risks and benefits of your procedure, aftercare, your caretaker, and your follow up. We will also likely have you go to the bathrooom right before so that you can empty your bladder. We will have you change into your gown, socks and underwear that is specifically for your procedure. During your procedure, depending on what you are doing, we will have the surgeon, surgical tech, rotating nurse, and anesthesiologist | certified nurse anesthetist in the room helping you. After your procedure, we will then discuss your after care with your caretaker and escort you to your car when you are fully able to meet our discharge criteria. You will be given all of our contact information including a direct email, our 24-hour answering service, and office cell phone. We like to have a call from you the night of your procedure so that we can check in on you. Also, if possible an update every day for the first week can be helpful.Follow-up:
After your procedure, the follow up process begins with your phone call the night of your procedure. During this call you can ask all of your questions that you may not have thought of before. We will then have you come in the next day for follow-up. Based on this appointment, we will see when we should see you again. Usually we see you on post procedure day 1,3, and 5-6 then 4-6 weeks, then 6 months then yearly. On day 5-6 we will carry out your suture removal. This is usually 6-7 days from your procedure date. Your post care and incision care sheet can be found in your patient care packages with the links we showed you above. 5.0
35 Google Reviews
Plastic Surgeon

"Highly recommend to anyone that is looking for a good plastic surgeon!"
Allegra MD
1810 116th Ave NE #102, Bellevue, WA
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"My treatment for acne scars went very well and have seen some good improvement."
Philip Young MD, Aesthetic Facial Body Plastic Surgery
1810 116th Ave NE #102, Bellevue, WA
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